Thursday, March 21, 2013

Food, Glorious Food!

In you comments each student writes a detailed recipe of his/her favourite dish! You will get points for this task, as this is part of writing assessment!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Unit 1. Action and State Verbs.

English Grammar | LearnEnglish | British Council | Stative verbs

Get your Dictionaries and in the comments write as many State verbs as you can!!! If some of the verbs can be both Action and State verbs - describe how the meaning changes! Ex.: I have a shower = take a shower (action verb) and I have a house = own, possess (state verb)

Unit 1. The Present Simple Tense.

present simple

When you read the rules do the exercise which focuses on different ways of using the Present Simple.
Each Student has to write one use of the Present Simple in the comments below. Do Not Forget to Give YOUR Own Example! For example, We use Present Simple for everyday activities! Ex.: I go to school every day.

Unit 1. The Present Continuous Tense.

present continuous

Read the rules of when and how we use the Present Continuous and then do the exercise! When you have finished the exercise, look at the sentences below and in your comments write how they are different: 1. (a) He wears a suit and a tie to work. (b)He is wearing a suit and a tie to work. 2. (a) He is a kind guy. (b) He is being kind. 3. (a) He always comes late for the class. (b) He is always coming late for the class! 4. (a) I love McDonald's. (b) McDonald's, I'm loving it! 5. (a) I stay at my grandmother's. (b) I'm staying with my grandmother.